Hello Readers!
This is the 2nd part of my previous blog
(*THE HOLY GHOST*, So if you want to understand this blog better you must read it’s the previous blog.
Two divine happenings take place in the human being when it exists as a foetus in his mother’s womb:
- The Spirit (Atma) enters the foetus’s heat which then starts to pulsate.
- Simultaneously the Divine Power enters the foetus through the brain.
Encased by the skull,our brain is conical in shape. At the very top in the area of the fontanel bone,it has an apex. These 3 layers (2 sides and base) are made up of different materials and have different densities. The brain will therefore acts like a prism with a quality of refraction.
When the Divine Power enters the brain it is divided into three channels. Of these three channels,two enter through two of the sides of brain and one from its apex. They pass over the primary coil, created by the heart’s throbbing (Ishwari Power),interact on each other and creates seven chakras.
At later stage these subtle centers manifest as gross physical centers outside the spinal cord. They are:
- Sahastrara Chakra in the brain
- Agnya Chakra at the crossing point of the optic nerve
- Vishuddhi Chakra manifests the cervical plexus
- Anahat or Hridaya Chakra manifests cardiac plexus
- Nabhi or Manipur Chakra manifests the solar plexus
- Swadhisthan Chakra manifests the aortic plexus
- Mooladhara Chakra manifests the pelvic plexus
These are the major plexus of the body.
“God is very scientific, all we need to do is JUST BELIEVE & UNDERSTAND”
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