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The word “Autonomic” is driven from the Greek word “Autonomous” which means Auto=Self and Nomous=Governed, therefore Autonomic Nervous System implies ‘A Self Governed Nervous System’.
The Autonomic Nervous System is the part of the Peripheral Nervous System that acts as a control system, functioning largely below the level of consciousness and control function.
The Autonomic Nervous System is responsible for the control of “Involuntary” or visceral bodily functions:
- Cardiovascular
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Urinary
- Reproductive Functions
- Key role in the bodies response to stress
The autonomic nervous system comprises two antagonistic(anti) sets of nerves, the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system.
It connects the internal organs to the brain by spinal nerves. When stimulated these nerves prepare us for stress by Increasing heart rate, Increasing blood flow to the muscles and Decreasing blood flow to the skin.
Sympathetic Nervous System is described as the “FIGHT & FLIGHT” response that occurs in stressful situations.
The Sympathetic nervous system is of two types:-
(i)Left Sympathetic Nervous System
(ii)Right Sympathetic Nervous System
It is called Ida Nadi and is connected to the right side back of the brain. This channel looks after our emotional life and past. The subconscious mind receives information from this channel. Everything that was in the past since creation resides dormant in the collective subconscious.
Ida Nadi controls all the mental processes.
Ida Nadi is a Sanskrit term with ‘Ida’ meaning ‘Comfort’ and ‘Nadi’ meaning ‘channel’ or ‘flow’
Ida Nadi is also called the ‘Chandra’ or ‘Moon’ Nadi because it is connected to the lunar energy.
It is called Pingala Nadi and is connected to the left side front of the brain. On the right-hand side, there is a supra-conscious mind which creates our future.
Whenever we think about our future it is recorded on the right-hand side. Pingala Nadi controls all the vital processes.
In Sanskrit ‘Pingala’ means ‘Activity’.
Pingala Nadi is also called ‘Surya’ or ‘Sun’ Nadi because it is related to Solar Energy.
The Parasympathetic Nervous System is a division of autonomic nervous system that controls the activity of smooth & cardiac muscles and glands. It works in synergy with the sympathetic nervous system.
Parasympathetic Nervous System is also called Craniosacral Division of the autonomic nervous system as its central nervous system component are located within the brain and sacral portion of the spinal cord.
The functions of the parasympathetic nervous system are commonly described as the ‘REST & DIGEST’ response since it is involved in Slowing Down the heart rate Relaxing muscles and Increasing gland activity.
The final result is conserving energy and regulating basic bodily functions such as digestion and urination.
Parasympathetic Nervous System is called Sushumna Nadi through which the Kundalini passes to pierce the anterior fontanel(Brahmarandra) bone area to enter the subtle system of pervading power. This is how the actualization of Self Realization takes place.
Sushumna means ‘Sukha-Mana’ that is a joyful(sukha) mind(mana).
It originates from Mooladhara and terminates at Sahastrara. It passes through the spine in the subtle body.
Inside us, there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interpret the outside physical world. At the same time within us resides a subtle system of channels(Nadis) and energy centres (Chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual well being.
“Know your INNER WORLD”.
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