The 10 Primordial Masters
Part I
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“Without a Guru, Without a Corrective Power, It is very difficult to follow Divine Legislation because there is a HUGE gap between Human Consciousness and Divine Consciousness and only a complete Guru can fill this gap. We should find a Guru who can tell us Matter of the Divine and can help us in our soul recognition.”
*****Guru Govind Dono Khade, Kaake Lagu Paaye
Balihari Guru Aapno, Govind Diyo Bataye*****
Around the Nabhi Chakra is the Bhav Sagar, the Ocean of Illusions also called as the Void, a gap that lies between the Kundalini and the Vagus Nerve of the Parasympathetic System which incorporates all the aspects of existence such as personality, the effects of the planets and gravitational forces on our being, our behaviour pattern and our physical sustenance. This is an area of outer influence. It represents that vacuum which separates our level of awareness from the truth while we are still in the unenlightened state. It represents all space and time from the beginning of Creation to the peak of our evolution in human awareness and contains the two centres of the sun (Surya) and moon (Chandra) chakras. The Void is created by the outermost circular movement of the Swadisthana around the Nabhi chakra. When the Kundalini fills this vacuum then our attention is lead out of the sea of illusion into the awareness of reality, we become the Master of the Self and all innate Laws of nature are awakened in us. We become honest and able leader and have gravity in all our expression. Its elements are Water & Fire
Void qualities include:
- Balance
- Patience
- The guru principle (or the ability to guide yourself and others in spiritual evolution)
- Righteousness (or dharma)
- Thirst for truth and knowledge
- Sense of personal dignity
- Decisiveness
- Self-discipline
- Self-guidance
- Will Power
- The innate sense of ethics
This centre is the seat of primordial guru
*****Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya*****
Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya is son of Sati Anasuya. She created Him by joining child form of Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.
He is portrayed with 3 heads that symbolise:
*Lord Vishnu
*Lord Brahma
*Lord Shiva
He holds a Trident(Trishul) to destroy the Ego and a Drum(Damru) to Awaken those in the sleep of ignorance.
With the Shell(Shank) He produces the primordial sound OM and with the Discus(Sudarshan Chakra), He destroys the bonds that come from the Karma of His disciples.
The Pitcher contains the nectar of Wisdom and the four Dogs that accompany Him represent the four Vedic Books.
The Divine Cow Kamadhenu grants all the Desires, both material and spiritual, of all those who seek divine guidance and who are devoted to Him.
The Void is also the seat of 10 incarnations of Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya
Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya has come to this the world many times. Ten
times, in different reincarnations, he came to change the course of humanity and to bring it back to the path of balance, towards righteousness and spirituality. Again and again, he established the values of dharma, that is, the way to follow for the spiritual ascent of human beings. We must cross the first stage of the journey, through the ocean of illusions, by meditation and detachment. Then we become our own teacher and our own student. When we respect dharma, the norms of divine conduct, we integrate the
principles of citizenship, respect, morals and ethics. This is what makes us a good friend, a good child and a good parent.
- Raja Janak (India)
- Abraham (Mesopotamia)
- Moses (Egypt)
- Zarathustra (Persia)
- Lao Tzu (China)
- Confucius (China)
- Socrates (Greece)
- Prophet Mohammed (Mecca)
- Guru Nanak (India)
- Shirdi Sainath (India)
1. Raja Janaka ( He takes care of lower part of the Left Lung )
King Janaka lived around 5000 years BC, as King in Mithila (now Janakpur). He was a great scientist and an enlightened being. He was the father of Shri Sita, the wife of Shri Rama. One day, Raja Janaka sent a message to his people: “If there is a great sage, whether rich or poor, very educated or not if he can teach me the knowledge of the Self, of my Spirit, let him become my teacher. Otherwise, I don’t want to see him.”All the scholars of the time were frightened by these words, except for a young man called Ashtavakra, who went directly to the king. Ashtavakra said to the king, “First, let’s go to the forest, to a pure place. Second, listen only to me, without even thinking about it.” So, they went alone to the forest and there, King Janaka sat down near his horse and remained silent, his eyes closed, without moving. He did not move even when his officers and ministers came to call him. It was only when Ashtavakra called him that he moved. Ashtavakra said to him, “Many people have come. Why didn’t you answer their calls?” The king said, “Thoughts, words and deeds are in my head, and I promised not to think. So, before I can use my head, I await your permission. What authority do I have to use my head without your permission?”Ashtavakra then said, “You have understood the Spirit. It is not the thoughts in your head. It is always there in you, even if you do not think.”
Another day, a young sage named Narada asked King Janaka, “Sire, how is it possible that you are detached from material goods when you live in luxury?”
King Janaka said, “It’s very simple. I’ll tell you this evening. Before that, you should follow me everywhere, holding this bowl of milk. Be careful not to spill a single drop!”Narada did as he had been told, and followed the king everywhere. By the end of the day, he was really exhausted. “Please, O great King Janaka, answer my question now. I can’t follow you everywhere and watch this bowl of milk at the same time.” King Janaka then asked, “What did you see while following me?” “Nothing but the bowl,” replied Narada, “I watched it all the time so as not to spill the milk.” The king exclaimed, “You did not see the ceremony given in my honour? Then the dance performance? Is it possible that you did not see anything?” Narada said, “No, my Lord. I saw nothing at all. I was looking at the milk.” Then King Janaka replied, “I never see anything either. I put my attention on my Spirit so as not to forget my true nature, just like you with your milk.”
“When You Live In The Realm Of Divine Power, The Bhrama That, Looks After You”
2. Abraham ( He takes care of Stomach )
Abraham lived between 1800 and 1600 BC and grew up in Ur in Mesopotamia. We know about his life through the stories told in the Bible and in the Koran. At that time, people believed in idols, offered them sacrifices and performed various primitive rites. Despite these beliefs, solid faith in a single God had grown in Abraham since childhood. When he was very young, while seeking to know the origin of creation, he sought advice from his father. The latter, who worked in a store where idols were sold, replied immediately, “It is this idol who created the world.” Abraham didnʼt believe it. He went to ask his uncle who said to him, “It is the Moon and the stars which created the world.” Abraham was still not convinced because he felt that an all-powerful Being in heaven could have created the world: Yahweh. And one day, finally, God spoke to him. “Leave your country, your people and your father’s house and go to the country that I will show you. I will make you a great nation and I will bless you. I will make your name big, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you. And all the peoples of the earth will be blessed in you.”
So, Abraham went with his wife and nephew Lot to the promised land of Canaan (located in present-day Israel). When a period of famine was declared, he and his wife went to Egypt, where they lived for a few years before returning to the land of Canaan. Time was passing, but Abraham and Sarah still had no children. They were old now. So, they decided to have one servant, Hagar, who gave Abraham a son called Ishmael (recognised as one of the patriarchs of the Islamic religion). However, even though Sarah(His wife) was more than 80 years old, God had promised them a child, and the child finally arrived. He was called Isaac. But God tested Abraham’s faith. He asked him to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac by killing him to prove his love. The faithful Abraham accepted. He was about to kill his son when an Angel of God stopped his arm just in time. Abraham died at the age of 175 years.
“Trust In The One & Only God, The Creator Of Heaven & Earth”
3. Moses (He takes care of Spleen )
The life of Moses, born in 1300 BC, is found in the Bible. At that time, the reigning Egyptian Pharaoh had ordered all boys under the age of two to drown in the Nile River, as it had been predicted that one of them would defeat him. To save Moses, his mother left him in a small basket drifting on the Nile. He was taken in secret by the daughter of the Pharaoh and grew up in the court of Egypt. One day, Moses learned that he was not an Egyptian but a Hebrew. The Hebrews were now slaves. He killed an Egyptian guard while trying to save a Hebrew slave. So, he fled from Egypt and went to Midian, where he found refuge in the tribe of the priest, Jethro. He married his daughter, Sephora. Many years later, God came to speak to him to tell him that he would be his messenger to save the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Moses now had the power to work miracles. He went to the Pharaoh and asked him to let the Hebrew people go. Of course, the Pharaoh refused. Moses, to convince the Pharaoh of the existence of God and His Power, cursed the land of Egypt and launched the ten plagues. But the Pharaoh, who believed himself to be a living god, did not want to know anything. Finally, at the tenth plague, he allowed the Hebrews to leave.
As the people reached the Red Sea, Pharaoh made one last attempt to attack Moses and the Hebrews. They were tracked down by the Egyptian army and blocked by the sea. So God then manifested His omnipotence and allowed Moses to separate the waters by creating a passage so that they could cross the sea on dry land. After escaping from Egypt, the Hebrews set out in search of the Promised Land, during a long time of wandering that is said to have lasted about 40 years. Moses gave his people a long list of laws to help them lead healthy and moral social lives. Among these instructions he received from God on Mount Sinai are the Ten Commandments. Moses died, before reaching the Promised Land, at the age of 120.
“Have You Forgotten God? Even If You Have, He Has Not Forgotten You”
4. Zarathustra or Zoroaster ( He takes care of the upper part of the Left Kidney )
Zoroaster was born in Persia (Iran) in 630 BC. He was an energetic and very intelligent young boy. At the age of 30, he went to fetch water from the river. As he entered the water, Vohu Mana, the angel of the Good Spirit, appeared to him and allowed him to see the divine Light of God, Ahura Mazda. Dazzled, Zoroaster began to preach in the capital of his country a few years after his vision. There is only one omnipresent and eternal God, Ahura Mazda, who is
good and who is Light. But the people did not listen to him, and the priests
violently rejected his message. Finally, he decided to go to other countries, accompanied by only 23 companions. One day, at the age of 42, Zoroaster and his companions heard of the king of a nearby country, King Vishtaspa, who was said to be wise and just. When they arrived at King Vishtaspaʼs court, the king granted Zoroaster an audience and tested him to see if Zoroaster was really a sage. “Why do you want to acquire Knowledge?” the king asked. Zoroaster said to him, “To acquire the knowledge of paying homage to God, I will meditate, as much as I can, to seek righteousness.” “And how are you going to fight the bad people?” asked the king. Zoroaster said, “There is only one way to overcome evil; that is to increase Good. There is only one way to eliminate darkness; that is to spread the Light.” King Vishtaspa wanted to know more. He asked, “And how is the one God going to help you?”Zoroaster was very happy to explain how to pray to the Creator Lord: “Wise Lord, fulfil the desire of those who sincerely respect the principles of righteousness and good spirit. I know that you always respond to the songs of love seeking a reward. “The king was convinced and adopted this new religion of a single and good God. From that day on, Zoroaster was free to propagate his teachings in this country and in neighbouring countries. The teachings of Zoroaster have come down to us through songs called “Gathas”.
“One Good Deed Is Worth A Thousand Prayers”
5. Lao Zi or Lao Tzu ( He takes care of Anus, part of Large Intestine )
Lao Tzu was born around 500 or 600 BC in China. Who was he really? We do not know, but his name is an honorary title which means Venerable Master.
At the age of 160, tired of seeing the townsmen live without respect and without morals, he left for a spiritual retreat in the west of China. When he arrived at the west gate of a small town, he was recognised by a guard who immediately asked him to instruct him. “O noble master, give me a testimony of your wisdom.” Lao Tzu said, “He who knows does not preach; he who
preaches does not know.” The guard then replied, “But how am I going to learn?” Lao Tzu said, “I will tell you about the Way and the Virtue, which are the true masters of the nobleman. I call it Tao. But the Tao that we can talk about is not the eternal Tao.” So show me, O master, how to find wisdom,” begged the guard, kneeling. “Stop thinking, and it will be the end of your worries. What difference is there between yes or no? What difference is there between success and failure? Should we estimate what others think and avoid what others avoid?” replied the master. “It’s a bit difficult to understand. Who should I follow?” Then Lao Tzu explained, “Nature has no desire; without
desire, the heart calms down; in this way everyone is calm… A strong wind never lasts long; nor does heavy rain. If the ills of nature do not last, why should the ills of a man last?” “So, you must not love in order not to suffer,” replied the guard. “No,” said Lao Tzu, “compassion is the best weapon
and the best defence. If you want to establish harmony, compassion must surround you like a fortress. Give love for hate.”
Here is the legendary origin of Tao Te Ching, the great book of the Way and Virtue. It is a collection of poems written in classical Chinese language, with rhymes and short verses for rhythm. The Tao is the Absolute, the union of opposites, the union of being and non-being, of masculine and feminine principles, of light and shadow, of strength and weakness. These oppositions are represented by Yin and Yang: Yin is the feminine, the intuitive, sensitive side, while Yang is the masculine, the rational side. The Tao is the harmonious union of the two parts. If Confucius wanted to change society through education, Lao Tzu wanted people to change in themselves. These are the two internal and external aspects that humanity must develop, and to change, one must become aware of this universal feminine energy that created the world, the Tao.
“Mastering Others Is Strength, Mastering Yourself Is True Power”
(Part II
“Detachment Is The Ultimate Pleasure”
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