Part I
Hello Readers!
The Swadhisthana Chakra is the second centre of our subtle system. The word Swadhisthana means “Where our being is Established”, “Swa” means Self and “adhishthana” means Established.
The Swadhisthana Chakra is placed above the Mooladhara, in the Aortic Plexus(above the sacrum bone), In us, this subtle centre controls its gross manifestation, known as Aortic Plexus.
1.Above ears in the head
2.Thumb in hands
3.Above Sacrum bone in the vertebral column
4.Third toe in feet
Swadhisthana Chakra has SIX petals, the Aortic Plexus has correspondingly six sub plexus. Our Swadhisthana Chakra is governed by
***Shri Bhramadeva Saraswati***
The Swadhisthana Chakra is represented by YELLOW colour. It is aligned with the purifying element of FIRE.
It controls our Aortic Plexus, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Endocrine Pancreas, Ovaries and Testis.
Qualities of Swadhisthana Chakra are:-
- Creativity
- Appreciation of Beauty
- Inspiration
- Pure Knowledge
- Undistracted Attention
- Keen Intellectual Perception
- Idea Generation
- Spiritual Knowledge
The fundamental quality of Swadhisthana Chakra is Creativity. It is through this chakra that our creativity is generated. It is here that the energy for our creativity is generated.
The most important physical function of Swadhisthana Chakra is that it breaks down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey and white cells(“THINKING” stuff)in the brain, and so generates the energy which fuels our thinking. Excessive thinking and future planning overwork this process and exhausts this centre. If the Chakra is having to cope with excessive thinking, then the organs it is supposed to look after are neglected. The liver is particularly susceptible to this neglect.
The liver has particular importance in that it is the seat of our Attention. Attention should not be confused with thought, which comes from Ego (I, ME & MYSELF ) and Superego ( Conditionings). Attention is pure concentration minus thought and mental activity.
For example, when we look at the flower we put our attention on it (i.e. we observe it). However, we will also think about it (“that’s pretty, I should also have this” etc.) Attention has no associated thoughts — it is pure concentration, observation and witnessing. A balanced liver sustains and nourishes our ability to be attentive by filtering out impurities, distractions and external clutter. The peace and stillness that helps us to meditate effectively comes from this purified attention.
The Swadhisthana Chakra is responsible for creativity in us. It acts on the physical plane and helps us change the forms of matter for our artistic enjoyment. On the mental plane, it gives us novel ideas of creativity, producing plans, pictures and images. It also exposes our mind to abstract ideas by beaming it into our conscious mind. The scientific brain that captures innovative and original inventions about the matter and its different processes - chemical as well as physical- receives its impulses from this Chakra.
(Swadhisthana Part II https://medium.com/@angeljahanvi007/swadhisthana-d20dd5fec512)
“Don't Exhaust Your Liver By Overthinking”
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