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What determines all types of existence on this planet has been questioned even in the times of Rig Veda (2500 BC). The two possible sources were thought to be Prakriti (Cosmic Energy) and Vishva Jyoti (Cosmic Light). Many believed Cosmic Light to be “the soul of all Gods” and the “womb” of all creations. The Cosmic laws determined the orderliness of the universe according to Rig Veda. This, along with the performance of Yajna( Sacrifice), was supposed to play an important part in preserving the cycle of cosmic events in harmony. Afterward, water was believed to be the first element to be responsible for the creation.
Gradually, the concept of Panchabhutas ( five elements ), i.e. Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu, and Akash were postulated. According to Sankhya, Nyaya, and Vaisheshika Schools of Hindu philosophy, Panchbutas are the constitutes of the world.
In ancient Indian literature, the concept of Panchbutas forms the basis of information relating to different aspects of knowledge about the universe and the living beings. The four Vedas, twelve Upanishadas, Puranas, and Smritis ( Cannons of Law ) are the principal sources with regard to the idea of microcosm and macrocosm.
Subsequently, yoga sutras of Patanjali ( 2nd century BC ), which was probably a compilation of information already existing for several centuries, was passed from Guru ( teacher ) to his Shishya ( student ). The excavation of Mohen-Jo-Daro in Sindh and Harappa revealed a seal dating 3000 BC, which depicts Proto Shiva seated in a yogic posture. This indicates that ‘Yoga’ itself is much older than the Vedas and the Upnishads. The first commentator of Yoga Sutra of Patanjali was Vyasa.
The highest aim in Yoga ( Meditation) is to attain a state of Samadhi, which means union of Atma with the pervading power ( God ). Kundanlini Yoga expresses the idea about the relationship of bodily function and mental activities with the cosmological phenomenon. Thus, it was recognized that Yoga visualizes the need for a controlled function of the body musculature, visceral organs, and mental activity. It also relates the activities of an individual as a whole and to his immediate surroundings and universe as a whole.
Medical science has advanced tremendously during past years, but it has not paid much attention to the psychic aspect of humans. However, in recent years, our ancient system of 'Yoga’ which deals with the physical as well as psychic aspect of human beings, has gained tremendous momentum to become a world philosophy. Many scientists have recognized the usefulness of research studies to give a scientific basis to Yoga and thus pulling it out from being called as empirical and unscientific.
For the last 300 years, the growth of scientific and technical knowledge has been only one- sided. Spiritual knowledge, social considerations, and moral values have dissolved altogether with the passage of time. The main reason for this one- sided growth was the mechanized concept of Descartes ( a French philosopher and mathematician ) about the universe, He asserted that there is nothing in the concept of body that belongs to mind. It dominated the thinking of western scientists.
Newton, the top most physicist of world also developed a complete mathematical formulation of nature. It was successfully demonstrated by putting a man on the Moon followed by placing satellites and manned space ships in the orbit. This mechanized concept is continuing till now and that is the reason why psychic and spiritual aspect of man could not be given due attention for exploration by the scientists.
The doctors of today practicing western medicine have entered into the stage of super specialty to a point that different organs of the body are treated by the different doctors. This approach has reached its limit with the result that doctors today are no longer able to view diseases as a disturbance of the whole body. They hardly look into the psychological, social, and environmental aspects of patients' illness. The psychic aspect has been completely neglected. The use of tranquilizers, antidepressants etc, for psychological problems is not a permanent solution. They are habit forming and produce side effects.
Recent development in the concept of physics has brought about a profound change in the world view from the mechanistic concept of Descartes and Newton to a holistic and ecological view, which is likely to dominate the present decade.
As such, our ancient culture of Yoga is known even before 3000 BC, which deals with all the physical, psychic, spiritual, and social aspects of human beings, which has gained a lot of importance. The time has come when physicians will have to widen their approach, shifting their attention from disease to health and seeing human being as a whole.
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