Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
8 min readNov 28, 2020

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The thousand-petalled centre known as Sahastrara is the most important centre situated within the limbic area with one thousand nadis (nerves). It is the assemblage of the six lower chakras. When the Kundalini energy penetrates into the limbic area, through meditation then the enlightenment of these nadis takes place, and they can be perceived as flames, gentle, steady flames, in all the seven colours of VIBGYOR. The last flame, ultimately, when integrated, becomes a crystal clear flame. All the seven chakras become crystal clear when they integrate into the Sahastrara. When the Sahastrara is enlightened, it takes the form of a bundle of steadily burning flames. The Kundalini energy then manifests through the top of your head and unites with the Divine Energy of the universe.

When the Kundalini energy enters our Sahastrar chakra through meditation, all these nerves fire in unison. The Kundalini energy then manifests through the top of our head and unites with the Divine Energy of the universe. The seventh centre (Sahastrara) is the chakra integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities. It is the last milestone of the evolution of human awareness. Each of our six main chakras (from Mooladhara to Agnya) has roots within our brain. When we practice Sahaja Yoga, the Kundalini rises. It passes through each of the six chakras and settles in the limbic region of our brain. This process is also known as Spiritual Enlightenment.


Qualities of Sahastrara Chakra include:

• A sense of “oneness” with the universe (also known as “integration”)
• Thoughtless awareness or mental silence
• Doubtless awareness or awareness of the divine energy

When the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara chakra, the lotus petals of our Sahastrara open and Self-Realization takes place. We may feel a pulsation at the crown of the head, followed by a gentle cool breeze coming out of the top of our head.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the deity of the Sahastrara chakra. In Her incarnation as the Adi Shakti, She integrates all the divine qualities and also acts as a catalyst. She was born on the 21st of March, 1923, in Chindwara, India. Her husband’s name was Sir C.P. Shrivastava. She awakened the Kundalini on the collective level in India on the 5th of May, 1970. One year later, in 1971, Shri Mataji started giving Self Realization to a handful of people, and Sahaja Yoga was born. Shri Mataji travelled all over the world to give people their spiritual awakening.

At the point of the Sahastrara, we go beyond the relative, to the Absolute. Above the three Gunas, and into the Absolute realization of Heaven on Earth. This is a country far beyond our wildest imaginings, so much more than our words can even seek to imply. This is our ultimate destination, stretching out forever. Our progress towards this goal is a living process. When the seed matures it naturally sprouts. William Blake described it perfectly: “Thou perceivest the flowers put forth their precious odours, and none can tell how so small a centre comes such sweets. Forgetting that within that centre eternity expands.” When the Kundalini reaches the Sahastrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment takes place (samadhi). We may feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel area. This is the baptism by which we know that we are truly born again. Vibratory awareness begins at this point. As the Kundalini unites our individual consciousness to the universal consciousness (the Atma to the Paramatma), we are suddenly tuned in to the universal wavelength of vibrations. These vibrations pervade the cosmos, but before Realization, while we are still in the egg form, we know nothing of them. When the Kundalini breaks the shell of the egg, we emerge into God’s Kingdom, the collective unconscious. At this point we are singing the song of the unconscious, the vibrations are playing through the instrument that we have become. But a doubting mind cannot ascend.“But the man who is ignorant, who has no faith, who is of a doubting nature, perishes. For the doubting soul, there is neither this world nor the world beyond nor any happiness. We must have a positive basis for life, unwavering faith to discover the truth which stands the test of life” The Bhagavad- Gita IV:40.

As human awareness is united to the Divine, we move into the subtlest level of communication, into the collective consciousness. In becoming vessels for that universal power we become one with all the other vessels. We learn to appreciate the real depth and beauty of another person in vibrations. The beauty of art and nature now manifests itself as vibrations. Just ask the question and a positive answer comes as a flow of cool vibrations. It is conversation at its most sublime.

Shri Mataji has Her place in the Sahastrara. Through Her grace, our Kundalini is awakened, our eternal Spirit is enlightened and we feel vibrations also. Because of Her, we also can awaken the Kundalini of others after our own awakening. We can give Realization to others, we can cure sickness and we can share the message of Divine Love with the entire world. Lord Jesus said, “I will send you a Comforter, a Counselor and a Redeemer, The Holy Spirit, who will teach you all things.”

When human consciousness tunes into the infinite, it becomes infinite. Enlightenment develops spontaneously. The sages have sung the praises of this space and have described it poetically as the union between the lover and his beloved. The Buddha called it the Void, Mahavira termed it Nirvana, the Vedas called it Moksha and the Christ referred to it as the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kundalini unites our individual consciousness to the universal consciousness. Our individual Atma, our soul, is connected to the Paramatma, the Supreme Spirit. We are suddenly tuned in to the universal wavelength of vibrations, to the subtle joy that is present in nature. These vibrations pervade the universe but before Realization, we are unaware of them. The opening of this chakra is known as second birth. Our human birth can be likened to the hatching of an egg and Self Realization to the breaking of the egg and the emergence of the bird. This is why an egg is given at Easter, to symbolize the second birth.

Sahastrara is the most beautiful part of human beings. It is a big lotus with a thousand petals of different colours appearing like inflated flames. It is like a flower pouring its colour and fragrance around. Sahastrara is our awareness. When it is enlightened we get into the techniques of the Divine. The Divine looks after all the universal happenings. Every minutest particle is controlled by the Divine. When our Sahastrara opens out, and our Kundalini touches the fontanelle bone, a sort of igniting force is ready in our Sahastrara. As soon as the fontanelle bone area opens up in the brahmarandra, the grace of the Spirit ignites that igniting force and our nadis get enlightened. That’s how we get our enlightenment. So many things happen because of our seven centres being in the Sahastrara.

The rationality that is separated from the heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with our attention. Wherever our attention goes we act in a collective way. All the activities of our attention are blessed. Our attention itself is effective. Our attention is very important, our desires are even more important because it is such an integrated thing, our desires and our attention become one. Whatever is good for the Spirit we desire. It is only the Sahastrara which has to grow, not the Spirit. The more sensitive the Sahastrara is, the more it receives the qualities of the Spirit. Actually, PEACE is felt in the Sahastrara. The bliss is also felt in the Sahastrara, because that is the brain, and the brain is the epitome of the central nervous system, or consciousness itself.

When our attention is on the Sahastrara, we are in touch with our whole Self, which is the Spirit. The goal of Sahaja Yoga is to become the Spirit…a spiritual being… no longer directed by the back and forth play between the ego and the superego. Our Spirit introduces us at last to Absolute Freedom. Sahastrara is the Promised Land where this freedom is granted.

The beginner of Sahaja Yoga receives Self-realisation at the start with the raising of the Kundalini. Usually, only a few strands of Kundalini can rise at first, and the Chakras will open only slightly. Meditation provides daily opportunity to gradually cleanse and clear the chakras. As they open wider, more strands of Kundalini will rise up. Our ability to feel vibrations will increase. Sometimes they will register on the fingers of the hands, in the form of tingling or numbing sensations. Sometimes we will feel the vibrations inside our body in our chakras. Sometimes we will feel a cool breeze flowing out of the top of the head … sometimes the breeze will be warm when our Kundalini is working or clearing a chakra. As we continue cleaning our instrument through which our Spirit can work with the Divine, we will become more aware of the vibratory state of life around us. We will become more open and receptive to the beautiful, positive vibrations radiating from nature (trees, mountains, flowers, clouds and sky). We’ll be able to feel the condition of others, and know when or how to help them. We’ll develop a wise discretion about every aspect of our daily life. But, of course, there is much more to Sahaja Yoga than all this. Sahastrara is the tabernacle of the higher synthesis between our consciousness and divinity. To express the glory of this dimension, words and thoughts fail.

The opening of the Sahastrara is the very special gift of Shri Mataji to mankind. Through years of selfless and very hard work, She has displayed the most awesome, and the most benevolent spiritual power. She is the only one who has opened the Sahastrara Chakra at a collective level, for thousands of seekers. Our relationship with Her is guided by this(meditating) sense of gratitude.

Through meditation we achieve thoughtlessness. Thoughtlessness is a self-conscious state in which one perceives the self-active power of the Supreme Spirit; the all-pervading power of Divine love whose essential nature is self-unfolding, self delighting, Existence- Consciousness-Bliss.

We only need to find ourselves(through meditation), everything else can be googled.

“The past is finished whilst the future does not
exist, so enjoy the present which is the reality.”

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