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“Saha” means ‘with’, “Ja” means ‘born’, “Yoga” means union with the all-pervading power of Divine love. This is a very subtle subject, absolutely valid and can be proved of our ascent into higher awareness. At the very outset, one has to be a seeker of truth and with scientific attitude, one should approach the subject. It should be treated respectfully like a hypothesis and if found by experiments as truth should be accepted by honest people in the spirit of honesty. Because this is for one’s total benevolence and for the benevolence of all the world. This knowledge is of very ancient times and mostly comes from India. Of course, every religion has talked about our second birth and also about the tree of life. As the knowledge of science comes from the west, but is accepted by the east, why should such a knowledge of reality be denied? Why not at least heed to it seriously, when it is the knowledge of the roots of all our
civilization and evolution? The nations have to think why the modern civilization is killing all human values. What we need is a careful introspection as to where we have gone wrong. Where did we miss out on our path of progress? How has this decadence crawled into our Society? Why are some of us sick with frustration and insecurity? Why are some of the people of the progressive countries succumbing to physical and mental deterioration? Science has no answer. So let us take to spirituality, Why not ask a question? Is there any other power that controls the universe? As described in the scriptures there is an all-pervading power of God’s love (Paramachaitanya). It is a subtle power which does all living work and which cannot be felt at the level of human awareness. Sahaja Yoga means that a seeker of truth (Sadhaka)has birth-right to get his self-realization (Atma Sakshat Kar)
spontaneously. Self-realization or self-knowledge is the destination of human evolution and also of all the religions. This is the last breakthrough a human being has to achieve, for which there is complete living machinery placed in the human spinal cord and in the brain. This machinery is being established step by step during our evolution. This living machinery Works through its powe manifesting both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Whatever we achieve in evolution is expressed by our conscious mind through the central nervous system. To connect us to this subtle energy which permeates into every atom and molecule, there is a power of pure desire which is placed in the sacrum bone of the human beings, which is called as Kundalini. “Kundal” means “coils”. It exists in three and a half coils. There is a divine mathematical coefficient of about three and a half coils.
This triangular bone is called “sacrum”, that means that the people in Greece in the ancient times knew about this divine sacred power of Kundalini. That is why they called this bone sacred. This sacrum bone is placed at the base of the spinal cord and is triangular in shape. The Kundalini is like a connecting cord as in every piece of electrical machinery, which connects the machinery to the main source of electricity. In the same way, when this energy of Kundalini is awakened, threads (some of them) rise and ultimately connect the human being to the all-pervading power (Paramachaitanya).
It is a spontaneous happening, it is a living process. The whole evolution process has been a living process, and now a stage has come for human beings to have the last state of spiritual existence through Self-realization. A human being can be compared to a seed which is not active spiritually and has not started its living process of growth in spirituality, but when it is embedded in Mother Earth, Mother Earth has the power, (with the help of water) to sprout the seed. In the same way, the Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously by the power of SahajaYoga. When the Kundalini rises, a new life process starts
in human awareness, resulting in the growth of spirituality. The spiritual life growth is a new state into which a human being starts growing in his innate Divinity. This enlightens his physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being.
This living process is very clearly described in Indian scriptures since ancient times. There are 108 Upanishads in the Sanskrit language which have exposed the knowledge about Kundalini awakening and the spiritual ascent. Also, it is indicated in other scriptures of other countries. In the Bible, it is called the tree of life and it is quoted that, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames”. When the Kundalini rises, she passes through various
centres which look like tongues of flame when enlightened. The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you can feel in Sahaja Yoga. The Gospel of St. Thomas very clearly describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious life. Also, it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini has to ascend and pierce through six solid centres which are placed in the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the actualization of the “Baptism” as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost emitting out of one’s fontanel bone area.
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