Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
3 min readAug 8, 2020


Hello Readers!

Our Right Sympathetic Nervous System is called Pingala Nadi. It is also called Surya or Sun Nadi as it is related to Solar Energy. It begins at Swadishtan chakra and travels up to the right side of our body. It terminates in the Ego area (front of left side brain) of our brain. The ego area of our brain gives us a sense of individualism and self as distinct from others. It is the ego that allows us to relate to ourself as I, ME and MYSELF.

The deities of Right Sympathetic Nervous System or Pingala Nadi or Right Channel are:-

*Shri Mahasaraswati and

*Lord Hanumana

They both take care of our Right Channel or Pingala Nadi.

Action and Planning are essential qualities associated with the right channel. The right sympathetic nervous system drives our mental and physical activities. However, the demand for energy on the right side can sometimes be soo great that the left side is weakened. When this occurs, our desire for joy may evaporate and we find ourself grouchy and irritated. We may even feel like yelling at everyone when the slightest thing goes wrong. As a result, the negativity, stress and aggression keep on growing.

When the functioning of the right sympathetic nervous system is disturbed our body goes into ‘HYPER’ condition (body works MORE than its requirement) as our cells, organs and different body system are pressurised to do so because of our Over/Extreme Future Planning which when exceeds a limit causes various medical problems:-

  1. Stroke
  2. Paralysis
  3. Skin Diseases
  4. Allergy
  5. Asthma
  6. Tachycardia
  7. Liver Cirrhosis
  8. Cancer
  9. Leukaemia (Spleen)
  10. Renal Failure
  11. Diabetes
  12. Ulcer (Stomach)
  13. Constipation
  14. Sterility/Disfunction (Womb/Prostate)
  15. Fever
  16. Insomnia
  17. Bacterial Infections

All these sufferings can be avoided by JUST FOCUSING ON PRESENT

As Lord Krishna said in Gita “We build our future by our PRESENT”

So, we should STOP future plannings instead we should concentrate on our present.

Our Right sympathetic nervous system or Pingala Nadi gets disturbed because of the following reasons:-

  • Domination
  • Mental Egotism
  • High Handedness
  • Temper
  • Exploitation
  • Cunningness
  • Shamelessness
  • ‘Do what you like’ attitude
  • Vanity
  • Austerity
  • Fanaticism
  • Racialism

When natural desires are suppressed the ego becomes even stronger in the personality.

If we overuse our right sympathetic nervous system we become very dry, aggressive and cunning. We lose all feeling, concerned only for our material advancement and power over others. Blinded by our ego, we are proud to think that we are fooling the world, we believe in the power of our own intelligence, but wisdom and logic soon part company and stupidity and idiocity becomes a common symptom.

Problems on Pingala Nadi result largely from the presumption that is actually we who are doing something, when in fact all living work is done only by God Almighty. He germinates the seed, He changes the flower into a fruit. All we do is change one dead form into another.

Any extreme physical or mental activity can paralyse the emotional side. Even in seeking the Spirit, our efforts may move us soo far on to the right side that we move into supra-conscious areas where we see visions, like those induced by hallucinogenic drugs.

So, to maintain well being of our right sympathetic nervous system or Pingala Nadi, all we need to do is Meditation.

Sahaja Yoga techniques are easy and renewed feeling of mental and inner peace we’ll experience can we positively adductive. Through meditation we achieve realization, after realization, our attention becomes centred on the Spirit without effort. When the powers of desire and action are equal, a balance is established within us.

**We can also add CARBOHYDRATES in our diet as they are essential for well functioning of our Right Sympathetic Nervous System or Pingala Nadi.**

“Be mentally relaxed and physically active”

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Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
Dr. Jahanvi Khatri

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