Part II

Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
4 min readAug 29, 2020

Hello Readers!

In my previous blog Mooladhara Part I ( I explained about petals and qualities of Mooladhara Chakra.

Let’s proceed further…

Petals of Mooladhara Chakra represent the following organs:-

*1st Petal (Inferior Hemorrhoidal) — Rectum

*2nd Petal (Vesical) — Urinary Bladder, Vascular Seminalis and Vas Deferens

*3rd Petal (Prostatic) — Prostate Gland in men and Part of Vagina in women

*4th Petal (Uterine) — Uterus, Cervix and Fallopian Tubes in women and testicles in men

So, if we face any problem in the above organs that means our Mooladhara Chakra is disturbed, not only this we may also face various other problems like:-

1.Weak Memory




5.Too much thinking

6.Weak Attention

7.Emotional Imbalance

If our Mooladhara Chakra gets disturbed, our Mother Kundalini also do not rise.

Our Mooladhara Chakra gets disturbe because of the following:-



•Impurity in thoughts

•Impurity in behaviour




To maintain the well being of our Mooladhara Chakra we have to JUST pray Shri Ganesha “Please fill my Inner Being will all Your qualities”. That are:-




*Eternal Childhood

*Inner Wisdom


*Emotional and Mental Balance

*Purpose and Direction in Life

*Connection with Mother Earth (Prithvi Tatav)

*Harmony in Nature


After the establishment of these qualities within us, we become very humble and beautiful from inside, in short, we become a better version of ourselves.

Shri Ganesha is very forgiving, He forgives all our sins but He never forgives disrespect towards His Mother (Mother Kundalini) So we should all respect Mother Kundalini.

Shri Ganesha is worshipped as the Destroyer of Destroyers.

Shri Ganesha had an elephant’s head, it symbolizes Wisdom. Wisdom is manifested in thoughtless awareness which we can get after the awakening of our Kundalini.

Shri Ganesha guards His Mother Kundalini that’s why it’s impossible to destroy Kundalini.

His symbol is Omkara, the primordial sound from which the Universe is created. He gives Auspiciousness to the universe.

The Mooladhara Chakra is made out of Carbon atom. The carbon atom has 4 valencies which represent 4 hands of Shri Ganesha. If we see carbon atom from right to left we see a Swastika when we see the same from left to right we see an Omkara and when we see carbon atom from down to upwards we see Alpha and Omega.

We should be very much dedicated towards Shri Ganesha, once we are dedicated He takes us out from all the Hurdles of life Therefore, He is called Sankatmochan.

Shri Ganesha manages things soo well as He is Ganpati; Lord of all Ganas. Ganas exists within us as Antibodies who report to the brain if there is any problem. Antibodies are present within us in Sternum (Chest Bone). Ganas (antibodies) not only help when we are physically suffering but they also help when we are mentally suffering.

Functions of Mooladhara Chakra, Placed in the pelvic plexus in the pelvic region, the Mooladhara
Chakra has four sub-plexuses:
1. Inferior Haemorrhoid that controls the rectum
2. Vesical which controls the urinary bladder
3. Prostatic controlling the prostate, which in turn controls the sex organs
4. Uterine which in women controls the uterus, and in men, the testicles

The head of Shri Ganesha is free from all the ego and superego as it’s not a human head.

He has Big ears as He can hear only good things, bad things cannot go across His ears.

He has Big nose because He sucks all our negativity.

Shri Ganesha has four hands.
1. The upper right-hand carry the Parashu, the axe. Ganesha’s weapon (ayudha)which symbolizes forgiveness, It is the greatest of weapons for human beings.

2. The lower left-hand carry the accessory of a bowl of the
Goddess of Food (Annapoorna). The bowl contains balls of sweets (modaka) which means we should satisfy the hunger of others.

3. The upper left-side hand holds the Kundalini as a small snake. This means He controls the Kundalini of the universe.

4. With lower right-side hand, He blesses us with all the Knowledge, Joy, Purity and Auspiciousness.

Shri Ganesha has Big stomach because He keeps all our secrets in His stomach.

We all must
worship Shri Ganesha so that He is kept awakened in us and we may remain in the eternal bliss of His innocence.

“We cannot feel joyous until we worship Shri Ganesha. By worshipping Shri Ganesha our joy increases, we become joyous, because He is the personification of joy.”

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Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
Dr. Jahanvi Khatri

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