Hello Readers!
As I told in my previous blog (https://medium.com/@angeljahanvi007/the-autonomic-nervous-system-45a8d5be858c) left sympathetic nervous system is called Ida Nadi, it is also called Moon or Lunar Channel. It begins at mooladhara and travels up to the left side of our body. It terminates in the superego area on the right side of our midbrain(superego area is back of right side brain).
The superego area is the storehouse of all our memories, habits, conditioning, fear, pain, emotions and expression of feelings. It encourages moral behaviour in us.
Our every chakra, organ and different body systems are taken care by different Deities(God). For eg. Mooladhara Chakra is taken care by Lord Ganesha. Likewise, our left sympathetic nervous system or ida nadi is taken care by:-
- Shri Mahakaali and
- Shri Mahakalbharava
The qualities that these deities demand from us are:-
- Pure Desire (Sudh Ichha Shakti)
- Joy within us
When our left sympathetic nervous system gets disturbed our body goes into ‘HYPO’ condition (body works LESS than its requirement) due to which we may experience emotional extremes that include mood swing rapidly from elation to depression and back again, we may also experience lethargy and extreme passivity along with this we may also suffer from various medical problems:-
(i) Lethargic Heart
*Low blood pressure
*Heart failure
(ii) Lethargic Organs
- Muscle = Polio/Osteomyelitis
- Lungs = Tuberculosis
- Viral Infections
- Paralysis
- Mental Disorders ( mainly schizophrenia)
- Lethargic Liver
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Pyelitis (inflammation of renal pelvis)
- General disease without fever
- Spondylosis (osteoarthritis the spine)
- Sciatica
- Loose motion
- Bradycardia
Now the question arises why/how our left sympathetic nervous system or ida nadi gets disturbed?
Our ida nadi gets disturbe due to the following reasons:-
- Conditioning
- Superstition
- Blind Faith
- Guilt
- Fear
- Self-pity
- Day-dreaming
- Drugs
- Bad childhood
- Gross attachments
- Tantrism
- Sexual Perversion
- Black magic
Eventually, the pressure on the brain grows too much to bear and there is a breakdown culminating in lunacy, epilepsy, senile decay and various above medical problems.
To sum it up, our left energy channel influences our emotions, feeling and desires. It is also connected to our memories and past experiences. As long as our emotions stay at normal levels, it's fine. However, if our feelings are extremes of emotions such as depression, gloominess and brooding, then its time to do something about it.
All we need to start clearing our left sympathetic nervous system or ida nadi or left channel is Meditation.
Sahaja Yoga techniques are easy and feeling of joy and energy we'll experience can be positively addictive.
Our priorities change automatically. Old habits and addiction are over and given up without difficulty. A sense of security is established and all guilt and imaginary fears disappear, all these qualities are provided by the deities of ida nadi.
**We can also add PROTEINS in our diet as they are essential for well functioning of our left sympathetic nervous system or ida nadi.**
“Everything created by nature gives a new meaning and one starts enjoying the genuine significance of every ripple of joy they emit”
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