Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
8 min readNov 22, 2024


“Understanding the Solar Plexus-Chakra Connection”

Hello Readers! 👋🏻

Meet our body’s hidden commander: The Solar Plexus. This complex nerve network resides in our abdomen, expertly regulating our autonomic functions and facilitating a silent dialogue between our brain and gut. Discover the profound impact of this tiny titan on our health and happiness 😊 .

According to Sanskrit scriptures, the Solar Plexus is identified as Nabhi Chakra, the navel centre, or Manipur Chakra, the city of jewels is the 3rd primary chakra, symbolizing spiritual growth and illumination, and regulating self-awareness, intuition and inner strength.

In the realm of spiritual anatomy, *****Shri Laxmi Narayan***** are revered as the governing deities of the Solar Plexus, overseeing its vital functions and energetic equilibrium.

The Solar Plexus(Nabhi/Manipur Chakra) has TEN subplexus(petals).

*SolarPlexus: Embodiment of Harmony and Growth*

The SolarPlexus, or Nabhi Chakra, embodies the following transformative qualities:

1. *Generosity*: Selfless sharing and openness

2. *Evolution*: Progressive growth and achievement

3. *Nurturing*: Care and support for self and others

4. *Dignity*: Inner strength and self-respect

5. *Contentment*: Satisfaction and gratitude

6. *Pure Attention*: Focus and mental clarity

7. *Peace*: Inner calm and serenity

8. *Honesty*: Authenticity and truthfulness

9. *Joy*: Radiant happiness and fulfillment

10. *Righteousness (Dharma)*: Alignment with universal principles

11. *Balance*: Harmony and equilibrium

🌼1st Subplexus(Petal) — Diaphragm and Adrenal Gland

(i) Diaphragm — The Breathing Superhero 🦸‍♂️

Deep within our body, a mighty muscle works tirelessly to keep us alive. Say hello to The Diaphragm - the unsung hero of respiration!

*How it Saves the Day:*

*Inhale: The Diaphragm Descends!*

- Contracts and flattens, expanding our chest cavity
- Creates a vacuum, pulling life-giving air into our lungs
- Our body rejoices, replenished with oxygen

*Exhale: The Diaphragm Relaxes!*

- Returns to its dome shape, pushing air out of our lungs
- Efficiently removes stale air, making room for fresh oxygen
-Our body relaxes, rejuvenated and refreshed

*The Diaphragm’s Epic Feat*:

- Breathes in and out, approximately 20,000 times a day!
- Regulates oxygen flow, keeping our body thriving

*Celebrate Our Diaphragm!*

Next time you take a deep breath, remember the incredible muscle behind it.

#Conditions related to the diaphragm:

👉🏼Diaphragmatic Hernia: This is a condition in which, due to a weakened or torn diaphragm, a hole develops here, allowing organs from the abdomen to move into the chest cavity. This can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, and heartburn.

👉🏼Paralysis of the Diaphragm: This can be caused by injury to the phrenic nerve, which controls the diaphragm, or by damage to the spinal cord. Symptoms include shortness of breath, especially when lying down or exercising.

👉🏼Diaphragmatic Tumors: These are rare but can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, and shoulder pain.

👉🏼Eventration of the Diaphragm: This is a condition in which one side of the diaphragm is higher than the other. It can cause shortness of breath and fatigue.

(ii) Adrenal Gland(Left) — Hormonal Heavyweights! 💪🏻

Located on top of each kidney, these two tiny, triangular powerhouses pack a big punch in regulating our body’s vital functions. The term "adrenal" comes from the Latin words "ad" (near) and "renalis" (kidney), reflecting their location. It’s also called Supra Renal Gland. It’s divided into two parts Adrenal Cortex(outer) and Adrenal Medulla(inner).

🏅Their Championship Titles:🏅

🎖Adrenal Cortex Hormones: The Ultimate Team Players

1.*Metabolic Masters* — Cortisol: Regulate energy production, turning food into fuel.
2.*Blood Pressure Champions* — Aldosterone: Keep our blood pressure in check.

3.*Hormone Harmonizers* — Androgen and Estrogen: Influence sex characteristics.

4.*Immunity Boosters* — Cortisol: Support our immune system.

5.*Hydration Heroes* — Aldosterone: Balance water and salt levels.

🎖Adrenal Medulla Hormones: The Emergency Response Squad

1.*Stress Warriors* — Epinephrine/Adrenaline: Equip our body to tackle stress.
2.*Heartbeat Harmonizers* — Norepinephrine/Noradrenaline: Help control our heart rate.

_!The Adrenal Glands: Small but Mighty!_

*These hormonal heavyweights work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep our body running smoothly*

#Conditions that can disrupt our Adrenal Gland’s delicate balance:

👉🏼Addison’s disease: This is a disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol and aldosterone. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure, and skin darkening.

👉🏼Cushing’s syndrome: This condition occurs when the body produces too much cortisol. Symptoms include weight gain, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and thinning skin.

👉🏼Pheochromocytoma: This is a rare tumour of the adrenal gland that produces excess adrenaline and noradrenaline. Symptoms include high blood pressure, headaches, sweating, and palpitations.

👉🏼Primary aldosteronism: This condition occurs when the adrenal glands produce too much aldosterone, a hormone that regulates blood pressure and electrolyte balance. Symptoms include high blood pressure, low potassium levels, and muscle weakness.

👉🏼Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): This is a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands' ability to produce hormones. Symptoms vary depending on the specific type of CAH and may include ambiguous genitalia, early puberty, and salt loss.

👉🏼Adrenal insufficiency: This is a general term for conditions in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. It can be caused by Addison’s disease, pituitary gland problems, or other conditions.

👉🏼Adrenal cancer: This is a rare type of cancer that affects the adrenal glands. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue.

🌼2nd Subplexus(Petal) — The lower part of Liver and Stomach

(i) Liver(lower segments): The Ultimate Multitasker ✊🏻

*The Liver's Top 9 Superpowers:*

1. *Digestion Dynamo*: Breaks down nutrients for energy.
2. *Detoxification Defender*: Filter toxins from the blood.
3. *Blood Regulator*: Maintains healthy blood flow.
4. *Storage Superstar*: Houses essential nutrients and energy.
5. *Immunity Guardian*: Supports the body’s defence system.
6. *Metabolism Maestro*: Orchestrates energy production.
7. *Bile Builder*: Produces bile for fat digestion.
8. *Protein Producer*: Creates vital proteins for growth.
9. *Cholesterol Controller*: Regulates cholesterol levels.

The liver's lower segments are crucial for optimal liver function. Let's dive into the inferior lobes:

*Left Lobe's Inferior Segments:*

1. Segment III: Located on the left side, plays a key role in detoxification.
2. Segment IVb: Supports the left lobe's digestive enzyme production.

*Right Lobe's Inferior Segments:*

1. Segment V: Essential for glucose metabolism and energy storage.
2. Segment VI: Helps regulate bile production and waste removal.

#Disorders affecting lower segments of the Liver:

Left Lobe (Inferior Segments)

1. Segment III:
👉🏼Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) - benign tumor
👉🏼Hepatocellular adenoma - benign tumor
2. Segment IVb:
👉🏼Liver abscesses - bacterial or parasitic infections
👉🏼Cholangiocarcinoma - bile duct cancer

Right Lobe (Inferior Segments)

1. Segment V:
👉🏼Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) - liver cancer
👉🏼Hemangioma - benign vascular tumor
2. Segment VI:
👉🏼Cystic liver disease - fluid-filled cysts
👉🏼Bile duct strictures - narrowing of bile ducts

#Other Disorders Affecting Lower Segments

👉🏼Cirrhosis - scarring of liver tissue
👉🏼Fatty liver disease (steatosis) - excess fat accumulation
👉🏼Liver metastasis - cancer spread from other organs
👉🏼Hepatitis (B, C, D) - viral infections
👉🏼Budd-Chiari syndrome - blood clot in hepatic veins


- Abdominal pain or discomfort
- Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)
- Fatigue
-Weight loss
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dark urine or pale stools

(ii) Stomach — Our Body’s Food Factory 🏭

Located in the digestive system’s central hub, the Stomach is a powerhouse of digestion. Sandwiched 🥪between the oesophagus (above) and small intestine(below), the Stomach receives food from the oesophagus and prepares it for nutrient absorption in the small intestine.

*A Muscular Marvel*

This hollow, expandable organ:

- Holds up to 1.5 litres of food and liquid
- Uses powerful muscles to churn and mix contents
- Produces digestive enzymes and acids to break down nutrients

*The Stomach's Vital Functions:*

✔️Mechanical digestion: Churning food into a pulp
✔️Chemical digestion: Breaking down proteins and fats
✔️Nutrient absorption prep: Mixing food with digestive enzymes

#Stomach Woes: 7 Common Ailments

👉🏼Gastritis: The Burning Issue
Inflammation of the stomach lining, causes abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea.

👉🏼Stomach Ulcers: Open Wounds
Painful sores in the stomach lining that can’t be ignored.

👉🏼Stomach Cancer: A Silent Threat
It develops in the stomach lining, often starting in gland cells.

👉🏼GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease): Acid Backlash
Stomach acid flows back up into the oesophagus, causing discomfort.

👉🏼Viral Gastroenteritis: The Stomach Bug
Viral inflammation causes vomiting, diarrhoea, cramping, headache, and fever.

👉🏼Gastroparesis: Stomach Paralysis
Nerve and muscle damage slows digestion, causing discomfort.

👉🏼Varicose Veins: Twisted Trouble
Bulging blood vessels in the stomach due to valve defects.

🌼3rd Subplexus(Petal) — Spleen(lower part)

Spleen — The Gut Guardian

The Spleen is a small organ inside our left rib cage, just above the stomach. It’s part of the lymphatic system (part of the immune system). The spleen stores and filters blood and makes white blood cells that protect us from infection.

#Disorders related to Spleen

👉🏼Splenomegaly: Enlargement of the spleen due to various causes, such as infection, inflammation, or cancer.

👉🏼Spleenic Cyst: Fluid filled sac in the spleen.

👉🏼Spleenic Hematoma: Blood accumulation in the spleen.

👉🏼Spleenic Hematoma: Blood accumulation in the spleen.

👉🏼Lymphoma: Cancer of the immune system, with various subtypes( Hodgkin’s, Non-Hodgkin’s).

👉🏼Splenitis: Inflammation of the spleen.

👉🏼Spleenic Abscess: Infected fluid collection within the spleen.

🌼4th Subplexus(Petal) — Gall Bladder

*Our Fat-Fighting Ally: The Gallbladder!*

Located under the liver, this tiny, pear-shaped powerhouse is vital to our digestive squad.

*The Gallbladder’s Mission:*👊🏻

- *Bile Bank*: Stores bile from the liver, concentrating its potency.
- *Fat Fighter*: Releases bile into the small intestine when fatty foods arrive, breaking them down into bite-sized bits for easy absorption.

*How it Works:*

1. *Liver to Gallbladder*: Bile flows from the liver through bile ducts to the gallbladder.
2. *Concentration Station*: The gallbladder concentrates bile, making it stronger.
3. *Fatty Food Alert!*: When fats enter the small intestine, the gallbladder contracts.
4. *Bile Blast*: Released bile emulsifies fats, breaking them down for effortless digestion.

!Effortless fat digestion = Better nutrient absorption = Energy boost!

# Three sneaky culprits can disrupt our gallbladder’s vital work:

👉🏼Gallstones: The Painful Blockers; Hardened digestive fluid deposits that can:

- Clog bile ducts
- Trigger excruciating pain
- Nausea and vomiting

👉🏼Cholecystitis: The Inflammation Alarm; Gallstones can spark inflammation, causing:

- Severe upper right abdomen pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever and chills
- Potential organ damage

👉🏼Gallbladder Cancer: The Silent Threat; Rare but serious, gallbladder cancer can:

  • Grow unnoticed
    - Cause abdominal pain and weight loss
    - Require prompt medical attention

🌼5th Subplexus(Petal) — Adrenal Gland(Right)

As we pause our exploration, ponder this: what lies at the core of our personal power? The Solar Plexus holds the answer. Join me in Part 2 as we venture deeper into the intersection of energy, emotions, and intuition.

**The Solar Plexus whispers its secrets… Listen closely in Part 2**

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Dr. Jahanvi Khatri
Dr. Jahanvi Khatri

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