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The Agnya Chakra is situated in the centre of the brain area and represents the sixth stage of our evolution. Agnya Chakra is placed on the crossing of the ‘Optic Chiasm.’ The nerves that supply the eyes go backwards in the opposite direction and wherever they cross, this subtle centre is situated. It has a continuous connection with the other centres through the ‘Medulla Oblongata.’
This chakra has Two petals and is represented by White/Silver colour. It is aligned with the essential element of Air.
Qualities of Agnya Chakra
•Thoughtless awareness
With two petals this centre corresponds to the centre of the
optic thalamus
* Pituitary Controls — Ego(Left Hemisphere of Brain)
* Pineal Controls — Super Ego(Right Hemisphere of Brain)
Enemies of Agnya Chakra:-
•Harm to Self
•Bad Habits
•Roving Eyes
•Bad Company
• Aggressive and racist attitude
• ‘I-ness’
•Wrong ideas about God
• Worries
•Harm to others
•Too much reading, computer work or watching TV
•Caught up in the past
These Enemies may cause:-
- Cervical
- Memory Problems
- Migraine
- Insomnia
The human mind is divided into an Ego(ahankara) and Superego(manas). These are located at the uppermost endpoints of the channels of Ida Nadi (Left Sympathethatic Nervous System) and Pingala Nadi (RightSympathethatic Nervous System). These two channels cross over at the Agnya Chakra(Optic Chiasm). Everything which relates to the past (such as memories, conditionings, and emotions) accumulates as a residue in the Super-Ego on the right hemisphere having crossed over from the Left Channel(Ida Nadi) side of the brain. Everything which relates to the future (such as thinking, planning, action, etc.) likewise accumulates as a residue, in the Ego on the left hemisphere of the brain.
Agnya Chakra is a gate, is the door of heaven. and everyone has to pass through it. Now on this chakra resides the great incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In our Indian Shastras, He is called as Mahavishnu, the son of Radhaji. Radhaji has created Christ and if we see Christ, His “fingers are like this” Try to understand. One of Shri Krishna(Vishuddhi Chakra)and one of Lord Vishnu(Nabhi Chakra). And He says ‘The Father’. Who is the Father of Christ, Is Lord Vishnu: Shri Krishna. Because in Mahavishnu’s description, it is, Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna Himself worshipped His son and said: “You will be the support of the Universe, and whosoever will ever worship Me, the fruits of that will go to You,”. He placed Him(Christ) even higher than Himself and we can see that above the Vishuddhi Chakra, stands Mahavishnu. He is the gate through which everybody has to pass. See now we know that Shri Ganesha stays at Mooladhara Chakra. Mooladhara Chakra means the support of the Moola, support of the roots and Christ is placed at the support of the fruit. So the same thing evolves at that point, that we become aware of Christ then only when our Agnya Chakra opens. His essences are made of Eleven Rudras, means Eleven Destroying Powers. But the governing essence the main essence is that of Shri Ganesha means innocence. So He is the embodiment of innocence. Innocence means complete Purity. His body was not made out of Mother Earth, in the sense that He never had a body that was perishable, It is Omkara. So when He died, He ascended. That is the fact, He ascended because He was a person made of Omkara. About Mahavishnu, it is written in the Devi Bhagvat. So to understand Jesus Christ, we must read Devi Bhagvat. We can prove it in the Kundalini, that when the Kundalini rises and stops here, at the Agnya, here, we have to say Lord’s Prayer, otherwise, it would not open proves it is Christ who is ruling.
The birth of Jesus Christ is very symbolic because He was born in such a manner that even the poorest of poorer wouldn’t be born in the stable. And He was put in the bed which was made of dried grass. He came on this earth to show people that for a person who is an incarnation, or who is a highly evolved soul, is not bothered about the comfort of the body. His message was so great and so deep, but He had disciples who were not prepared for the battle they had to fight. He had only twelve disciples and all of them, though, tried to dedicate themselves to Christ, fell in a trap, some of them to the worldly aspirations or to their own hankerings. His message of love and forgiveness is the same even today, preached by all, all the saints, all the incarnations, all the prophets; they all have said about love and forgiveness. If it was challenged, or people felt that this won’t work out, they were asked to have faith in what is said, but they were simple people in those days. So they obeyed Him. He came on this earth to prepare for us our Agnya Chakra, to enlighten human awareness with the sense of understanding that they are not this body but they are the spirit. The message of Christ is His resurrection. That is, you are your spirit, not your body; and He showed by His resurrection how He ascended into the realm of spirit which He was, He was Mahavishnu.
“I Forgive” This is the greatest weapon Christ has given us. We just say, “I Forgive”, and we can overcome our ego. This is the mantra for this chakra. We’ll find our Agnya chakra will open out and we’ll find our ego will go away.
Christ has shown by His life that, although He had to suffer so much, He was so patient and courageous. His life has given us an example of what we should be, how we should behave when we are facing problems because of the ignorance of people. In these sufferings, Christ never cried or wept. He went through it in a very resolute manner. So what we have to learn from His life is that we should not be afraid. Whatever might be happening to us, we should not be afraid or depressed. This is the message of Christ’s life and we all should be very happy that He has shown us this path. Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness. He is there to look after you in every trouble, in every kind of turmoil. He is going to help us in every way, all the time, for that we only have to surrender and forgive.
The Agnya Chakra, sometimes called the third eye, is placed at the centre of the brain. When Kundalini passes through the chakra, our thought waves elongate so that the space between two thoughts grows wider. As the petals of the chakra open, silence blossoms in the centre and spreads outwards, pushing the thoughts to the periphery of your awareness. In thoughtless awareness, we actually feel this beautiful silence which is at the heart of creation. Just like the vibrations, this expansion of silence is a wave created without percussion. We become forgiving which is the essence of this chakra i.e. it allows us to forgive ourselves and also others.
“This eternal light encompasses the whole world, and we see the whole world within ourself.”
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